Monday 2 May 2016

Lance finished & problems encountered

I had a bit of trouble with my model as I frustratingly kept trying to put the displacement map on my original base but realised it wasn't adhering because the UV map on my base was different to my new map in Zbrush :P

What I ended up doing was creating my displacement map, texture map and normal map in Zbrush, then using the decimation master to reduce my polys down to 60k from about 200k. This was probably the best I was going to get as a low poly model at this rate because if I reduced it further my UV map began to distort.
Next, I used GoZ to export the mesh and maps to Maya simultaneously. Upon doing that I tried to render out my tree but it wasn't showing up in mental ray. I then exported the project as an OBJ with its maps, and imported the OBJ back into Maya, which caused it to render properly.

So the rest of the time I spent adding leaves to the model. My lecturer suggested making low resolution leaves because in-game they would need to be, however I might create a hi res leafed model in future. Here is the result so far:

After rendering:

close up of top of Lancewood
render of lancewood with Maya sun & sky

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